Designed with attention to every detail

Offer for businesses

Take control of your outlet fleet

The Wattsy platform allows you to manage multiple sites, user categories with differentiated access and rates, and time-based usage rules...
In short, the best custom management tool for charging in your parking lots.

  • Access control
  • Billing
  • Load balancing
  • Time management
  • Consumption tracking
  • Monitoring

Equip your employees at home

Equip your employees at home for a limited cost.

Track their professional electricity consumption.

Automatically reimburse them at the end of the month through your HR tools or our platform.

A SaaS service that evolves with your needs.

You set the management rules for your fleet and adjust them according to your needs.
Vous pilotez toujours son fonctionnement en quelques clics.

With your subscription, you always benefit from the most advanced version of our software.

In short, the best tailor-made management tool for charging in your parking lots.

  • Accessible
  • Comprehensive
  • Up to date
  • Customizable
  • IS integration
  • Resilient


Dedicated server per client


Adaptable to your needs


Dedicated features

For agile management of large

public parkings

Optimize the deployment cost of large multi-site charging parks

We limit the costs of adapting the electrical infrastructure, even for large installations.

Our supervisory software then allows you to manage it on a large scale.

  • Pricing freedom
  • Interoperable
  • User friendly
  • Scalable
  • Resilient
  • Plug and Play

Set your pricing policy and manage your access.

We provide you with all the tools to set your rates, bill your users, and manage your revenue.

We do not mark up on electricity consumption.

Our universal payment solution is at the highest level of security in the market.

Limit your operational costs

Our low-power outlets require no more maintenance than a domestic outlet.

No costs beyond the subscription to the outlet monitoring and management service, regardless of their usage.

  • No options
  • Robust hardware
  • Simplified customer support
  • Up to date
  • Supervision
  • relevant KPIs


Maintenance on our outlets


less investment per equipped space


markup on the electricity you bill

Reasoned management of residential buildings


Equip your building at a lower cost

Our charging points are designed to make the most of your existing electrical infrastructure. Result: reduced costs and timelines, simplified installation.

The installation can be carried out by the qualified electrician of your choice.

  • Simple
  • Easy access
  • Robust
  • Access control
  • Consumption tracking
  • Electricity cost split

Track consumption and automate reimbursement for charges

We manage on your behalf the tracking of each resident's consumption and the payment of their share of electricity for common areas.

Payment of electricity consumption to the condominium is automated, and all consumptions are tracked for control purposes.

A model that grows with your needs

The Wattsy service is subscribed to by each resident who wants to charge, and does not weigh on condominium costs.

Each new user subscribes directly to our service, with no time commitment.

The condominium orders new outlets as required.

  • Monthly subscription
  • Individual
  • Without commitment
  • Scalability
  • Easy setup
  • Reversible


commitment on our subscriptions


automation of administrative tasks


monthly subscription

A vision for the future

Real Estate

Offer new buildings 100% equipped for EV charging

With our charging system, you can natively equip up to 100% of your parking spaces at minimal cost to the overall construction budget.
We maximize the number of places equipped by using the power reserve provided for in the regulations.
In practical terms, you demonstrate your commitment to the environment.

  • Visibility
  • Value enhancement
  • Differentiation
  • Exemplarity
  • Budget under control
  • Quick setup

Pay (for the service) only when the building is occupied

Our service is free of charge up to the moment the first user subscribes.
You control 100% of consumption according to the building schedule

You generate additional income for the buildings you operate

You control the charging rate for your occupants.
You set the margin you make on the service.

  • customizable
  • flexible
  • managed service
  • profitable
  • transparent
  • easy


additional lead time


equipped spots


Until activation of service activation after building finalization